Discover more about forestry at the Komatiland Forestry industry Museum

Located close to the Sabie Motors (Total Garage) in Sabie town, the Komatiland Forest Industry Museum allows visitors to take a self-guided tour and gain a unique look into the forestry history of South Africa. The exhibits explain how technology has influenced the development of forestry and the museum is an information centre about this industry. Among other things on display at the museum you will be able to see a miniature set of shoes carved out of wood by an Anglo-Boer war prisoner on St Helena, the oldest known South African used frame saw and a hand-made clothes peg made by gypsies in Ireland over 100 years ago.

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Call Them Now
013 737 8266

R10 per person: All ages.

Mon - Sat 08:00 - 16:30 Sun 08:00 - 12:00